In Aerospace Engineering/ NASA

Celebrating Apollo 11

Saturday marks the day that Neil Armstrong took his giant leap by becoming the first person to walk on the Moon 50 years ago. To commemorate this feat, events have been taking place all week. From galas to parades, there has been no shortage of fun. How about joining in without having to leave your own home? I will give you the lowdown on TV specials and the like.

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin walks on the surface of the moon via NASA

TV Specials:
(all times are Eastern Daylight… channel is bolded)

8am NASATV* Crew Interviews (June 9, 1989) with Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins
9am NASATV or the Science Channel The Flight of Apollo 11  
10am NASA TV Documentary: 1969-1989
1pm-3pm Science Channel NASA’s Giant Leaps: Past and Future (a live event hosted by Adam Savage in DC)
5pm NASATV Documentary: Moonwalk One 
10pm PBS 8 Days: to the Moon and Back

3am CNBC Moon Landing 50 Year
3:30am-5am PBS When We Were Apollo
7am NASATV Moon 101 Series – Episode 4: The Crust of the Moon
8am NASATV Mission Control: Human Spaceflight
10am NASATV Documentary: For All Mankind (also at 4pm on Thursday)
1pm NASATV NASA’s Giant Leaps: Past and Future – Celebrating Apollo 50th as We Go Forward to the Moon
3pm NASATV STEM: Forward to the Moon
8pm BBCAmerica Wonders of the Moon (for abroad people on BBC2 sat at 13:30 GMT)

8:45am-8pm HBO2 From Earth to the Moon miniseries (also can watch on HBOGO)
9am-11pm NEWSY The Apollo Chronicles
10:20am CNN Apollo Spacesuits
11:20am CNN Apollo 11 Astronaut Returns to the Launch Pad
8pm History Moon Landing: The Lost Tapes
8pm Discovery Apollo: The Forgotten Films
9pm BBCAmerica Moon Landing Live
9pm (and 11pm) CNN Apollo 11 (I actually saw this in IMAX earlier this year and it was great!)
10pm CSPAN3 CBS’s News Coverage of the Apollo 11 Landing
10:38pm NASATV Replay of the Historic Apollo 11 Moonwalk
10:48pm CNN Apollo’s Hidden Figures

No time associated (on demand)
Smithsonian Apollo’s Moon Shot (finale will technically be Sunday at 8pm)
NATGEO Apollo Back to the Moon

You can relive the mission minute by minute on by listening in on mission control audio, watching the photographs as they were taken 50 years ago, and seeing transcripts of what was going on. If you listen in, it automatically takes you to capcom but if it doesn’t be sure to click that. If you have any questions on those buttons, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments!

Now what about those other cool events… covered some of them in case you want to get out of your PJs and attend something locally.

*NASATV does not require a TV subscription and is accessed via its webpage

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